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Videos With Tag: "credit unions"

May 2012: Guidance on Reporting Interest Paid to Nonresident Aliens

May 2012: Guidance on Reporting Interest Paid to Nonresident Aliens

 The IRS has issued rules on reporting deposit interest payments to nonresident alien members. The rules require credit unions report interest income paid to nonresident aliens on deposits and applies to interest payments made on or after January...

August 2012: Interest Rate Risk

August 2012: Interest Rate Risk

This August issue of CUBE TV will provide you with information on the NCUA's new guidance on interest rate risk and newly required IRR program and policy. For additional information you can access the NCUA IRR Guidance and the Interagency Ruling. The...

December 2012: Expedited Funds Availability Act

December 2012: Expedited Funds Availability Act

Expedited Funds Availability Act provides credit union employees with important information on requirements for making deposited items available to members in a timely manner.  Join us for an overview of check holds and member notification. ...

Escrow Requirements of Regulation Z

Escrow Requirements of Regulation Z

  On January 10th the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau amended the Truth in Lending Act to implement mandatory escrow requirements dictated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.  This rule goes into effect on...

Garnishment Rule

Garnishment Rule

This edition of the CU Compliance Connection reviews recent changes to the garnishment rule which provides the requirements for garnishing member’s accounts if they contain Federal benefit payments.  The rule from the Joint Agencies is available...

Field of Membership

Field of Membership

In conjunction with InfoSight topics this presentation will focus on credit union’s field of membership.  As the credit union movement grows stronger every day, credit unions continue to research new ways to serve their members and to grow...

Policies vs. Procedures

Policies vs. Procedures

Often credit union employees have questions about policies and procedures and their role in credit union operations. This CUBE TV feature will focus on the role of policies and procedures to help provide the information you will need to understand and...

Compliance Corner: Bankruptcy and Collections

Compliance Corner: Bankruptcy and Collections

CU Compliance Connection features InfoSight topics in this presentation with the focus on Bankruptcy and Collections. For more information on bankruptcy and collections visit InfoSight. If you'd like a handout on this presentation, just CLICK HERE and...

CFPB Mortgage Rules and Readiness Guide

CFPB Mortgage Rules and Readiness Guide

This presentation focuses on the CFPB’s Readiness Guide which was designed for financial institutions to better understand the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus mortgage rules and determine compliance readiness with the upcoming mortgage rule...